Teachings of Sant Ravidas
Nowadays, despite the society being divided into different castes, people are also sharing their ideal gods and great men. But we all know that great men belong to everyone and they have dedicated their lives for the interest of the society, country and the entire world. The status of great men is equal to that of God. Today, this message should be given in the society that Sant Ravidas and great men like him do not belong to just one caste or community. If someone is limited only by a caste, it is an insult to those great men. If we throw light on the life of Sant Ravidas Maharaj, we will see here that he was not a saint of only one caste or society, but he fulfilled the will of God for all. Guru Nanak Dev also considered Sant Ravidas as his Guru and accepted his greatness. Seeing his deep devotion towards his life and works, we come to understand that an example of humanity can be set by breaking the boundaries of caste, creed and region.
Despite having an unwavering faith in God, Sant Ravidas continued to spread the message of brotherhood and equality in the society throughout his life. He had an important contribution in teaching everyone in the society how to treat each other equally. Sant Ravidas wrote many such works in which both spiritual and social messages were given.
How to Imbibe the Message of Sant Ravidas – An Introduction to Sahaja yoga & Self realization
In today’s era of ‘maya’ (illusion), who will understand the path of human goodwill shown by Sant Ravidas. But today, where life is surrounded by an atmosphere of darkness, there is a ray of light that has granted man not only an accurate alternative but also the scope of solving the questions facing his day today social and spiritual life. That is, experiencing Self-Realisation, meaning first we must know our ‘self’ then only we can know God. This is possible only through the awakening of the innate energy called ‘kundalini’ which when rises from the base of our spine connecting various energy centres called Chakras, enlightening our spirit and opening the fontanelle bone on top of our head to make way for the All-Pervading Power or ‘Brahmashakti’ to enter into our subtle system and flow in the form of cool breeze called as Chaitanya or ‘Vibrations’ to manifest the state of Yoga in our being. Yoga means union of spirit (atman) with parmatman (god). Thus, a path of true spirituality with ‘sarva dharm sambhav’ (respect for all religions) and ‘sarva manav sambhav’ (respect for humanity) is set for the seeker for achieving the state of purity of soul as enshrined in the writings of Sant Ravidas. The attainment of Turiya state through Sahaja Yoga is easy.
The experience of Self-Realisation or Yoga has been made easy by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi when She opened the seventh Chakra known by the name Sahastrar by awakening the ‘kundalini’ on the 5th of May 1970 making it possible for the first time in the spiritual history of the world for en masse Self-Realisation. Thus, Sahaja Yoga was born and at present is practiced in over 140 countries of the world and the practitioners are leading a joyful life. ‘Sahaja’ means born with you and ‘Yoga’ means union of ‘Spirit’ with All-Pervading Power. Sahaja Yoga grants us the knowledge of the roots which enlightens us about the mission and purpose of life.

मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा
Once, Saint Raidas (Ravidas) was engrossed in meditation on the Lord in his hut when a Brahmin passerby approached him to repair his shoe. Curious about the Brahmin’s destination, Sant Raidas inquired, and the Brahmin mentioned he was heading to bathe in the Ganges. After fixing the shoe, Raidasji suggested the Brahmin offer the payment to Mother Ganga on his behalf.
Upon reaching the Ganges and completing his bath, the Brahmin invoked Mother Ganga, offering Raidas’ payment. To his astonishment, a hand emerged from the river, accepting the currency and bestowing a gold bracelet in return.
As the Brahmin journeyed back with the bracelet, he pondered how Raidas would know about Ganga’s gift. Deciding to present the bracelet to the king in exchange for rewards, he did so, and eventually, it reached the queen’s hands, who desired another bracelet.
Pressured by the king’s demand for a matching bracelet, the Brahmin, fraught with worry, sought Saint Ravidas’s counsel, revealing the entire ordeal. Assuring him, Raidasji prayed to Ganga for another bracelet to save the Brahmin from punishment.
Miraculously, Raidasji invoked Mother Ganga, and from his vessel filled with water (Katauti: A cobbler’s vessel where raw leather is kept for softening), sprinkled by his kathoti-water, emerged a similar bracelet. Delighted, he handed it to the Brahmin, who joyously presented it to the king, thus solidifying the belief that ‘If the mind & heart is pure, then even the holy Ganges accepts to emerge in a cobbler’s dirty vessel.’ – meaning the divine sees only the innocence of a true & pure devotee – they are not judged by their outward appearance or profession.
[ps. In India, leather, that is a part of a dead animal’s skin, is considered inauspicious to be used for any religious event – the same reason that people take off their shoes before entering a temple]
एक दिन संत रैदास (रविदास) अपनी झोपड़ी में बैठे प्रभु का स्मरण कर रहे थे। तभी एक राहगीर ब्राह्मण उनके पास अपना जूता ठीक कराने आया! रैदास ने पूछा कहां जा रहे हैं, ब्राह्मण बोला गंगा स्नान करने जा रहा हूं। जूता ठीक करने के बाद ब्राह्मण द्वारा दी मुद्रा को रैदासजी ने कहा कि आप यह मुद्रा मेरी तरफ से मां गंगा को चढ़ा देना। ब्राह्मण जब गंगा पहुंचा और गंगा स्नान के बाद जैसे ही ब्राह्मण ने कहा- हे गंगे रैदास की मुद्रा स्वीकार करो, तभी गंगा से एक हाथ आया और उस मुद्रा को लेकर बदले में ब्राह्मण को एक सोने का कंगन दे दिया।
ब्राह्मण जब गंगा का दिया कंगन लेकर वापस लौट रहा था, तब उसके मन में विचार आया कि रैदास को कैसे पता चलेगा कि गंगा ने बदले में कंगन दिया है, मैं इस कंगन को राजा को दे देता हूं, जिसके बदले मुझे उपहार मिलेंगे। उसने राजा को कंगन दिया, बदले में उपहार लेकर घर चला गया। जब राजा ने वो कंगन रानी को दिया तो रानी खुश हो गई और बोली मुझे ऐसा ही एक और कंगन दूसरे हाथ के लिए चाहिए।
राजा ने ब्राह्मण को बुलाकर कहा वैसा ही कंगन एक और चाहिए, अन्यथा राजा के दंड का पात्र बनना पड़ेगा। ब्राह्मण परेशान हो गया कि दूसरा कंगन कहां से लाऊं? डरा हुआ ब्राह्मण संत रविदास के पास पहुंचा और सारी बात बताई। रैदासजी बोले कि तुमने मुझे बिना बताए राजा को कंगन भेंट कर दिया, इससे परेशान न हो। तुम्हारे प्राण बचाने के लिए मैं गंगा से दूसरे कंगन के लिए प्रार्थना करता हूं।
ऐसा कहते ही रैदासजी ने अपनी वह कठौती उठाई, जिसमें वो चमड़ा गलाते थे, उसमें पानी भरा था। रैदास जी ने मां गंगा का आह्वान कर अपनी कठौती से जल छिड़का, जल छिड़कते ही कठौती में एक वैसा ही कंगन प्रकट हो गया। रैदासजी ने वो कंगन ब्राह्मण को दे दिया। ब्राह्मण खुश होकर राजा को वह कंगन भेंट करने चला गया। तभी से यह कहावत प्रचलित हुई कि ‘मन चंगा, तो कठौती में गंगा’।