Jai shri Mataji
Excellent design is made with the grace of Her Holiness on this great auspicious occasion of Shree Ganesha Chaturthi . News advt is again being distributed thru Jansatta- Hindi and Loksatta – Marathi newspaper at page five for 31st Aug,2020 printing. It is going to be distributed in more than ten lakh copies.
Request all sahaj yogis to pray Her Holiness that our team efforts to bring out these advt on this auspicious occasion can reach maximum seekers and the country men who can follow and imbibe the great values and virtues of Lord Shree ganesha as desired by Her Holiness vision. Innocence, chastity and morality has to be respected individually by Indians to become respected Son of Mother India and for becoming Shree Atma which is our Holy objective of Divine mother.
May the Eternal Knowledge blessed by Shri Adishakti flow in mankind to eliminate all the devils prevailing in this universe and peace gets established thru the blessing and Divine powers of Shree Vighna Vinashika