My efforts@Sahaja Yoga Youth Seminar

Sahaja Spreading

I once attended a Sahaja Yoga Youth Seminar that had extended its invitation to some of the older Sahaja Yogis as well. As fate would have it, I found myself among the attendees.

Now, I’m not going to mention names or places because I have no intention of criticizing anyone or undermining the efforts put forth by the Sahaja Yogis. The arrangements for food and lodging were commendable, and the participants seemed quite content, so I assume the event was considered a success.

However, I’m here to share something a bit different. You see, I had prepared a PDF presentation aimed at introducing the power of Social Media Platforms (SMP) to the youth. My goal was to demonstrate how they could use SMP to spread the message of Sahaja Yoga far and wide.

I’m attaching the PDF to this article for anyone interested in seeing what I had planned to present. Unfortunately, the team I made the presentation for reached out a bit late, and by then, all the program slots were already filled. By the time I left the venue, it was already late in the evening, and the other member of my team was given a brief 15-minute slot at 10:45 p.m. to make the presentation.

The rest of the seminar was a mix of Sahaja Yoga knowledge sessions and, quite surprisingly, some typical Corporate Management games. I didn’t see that coming, to be honest! Shri Mataji has left us an ocean of wisdom, so I found it baffling that we were engaging in what I considered trivial management games, with people jumping and prancing around.

What also caught me off guard was the perception that if a couple of foreigners were brought in to talk about Sahaja Yoga ideals or clearing techniques, we Indians would be utterly impressed. And let me tell you, both of these foreigners were demonstrating incorrect techniques of Sahaja Yoga—and no one, not a single person (including myself), spoke up against it. One of them presented an elaborate breathing exercise, which isn’t really necessary in Sahaja Yoga—just a bit of pranayama to clear the Heart Chakra suffices. The other demonstrated a head massage with oil that was more akin to the simple champi we used to do as kids, rather than the specific chakra-focused finger on head pitthas techniques.

Nevertheless, I’d like to share the enthusiasm with which I created the presentation for the Yuva Shakti, hoping to inspire them in the ways I felt were most aligned with our true teachings.


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