I received a message on Whatsapp and decided to interact with Sahaja Yogi brother Chandrashekhar Chandane .
He was a follower of Shri Gagangiri Maharaj since the age of 11. It was through Shri Gagangiri that he reached Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga and took his self realization in 1996. He works in PMKVY, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana because of which he travels India wide and makes good use of this opportunity by spreading Sahaja Yoga!
About the divine meeting !
As forwarded by Sahaja yogi brother:
These are photos of Shri Gagangiri Maharaj , to whom H.H. Shri Mataji had visited in 1977. The place is 50 kms away from Kolhapur in Maharashtra.Shri Mataji had walked for 7 miles means about 12 kms because she wanted to respect the penance of this great yogi.
This is the cave where she entered in heavy rain which the Great Gagangiri Maharaj was helpless to stop and his all powers were taken off by Shri Mataji,he had taken a Saree to present Shri Mataji, because she wanted a specific reason to accept the gift since he was Sanyasi…..
Here Shri Mataji sat on a Swing and Yogi sat down at her Lotus feet. He cried and told her Mother my real age is 21000 years , I’ve had food in the marriage of Raja Janak,I have seen everything,I have been doing penenas for years in water and land ,even my fingers of hands and legs have been eaten by fishes but it took 21000 years for me to See Adishakti coming to me.Now by your grace my Sahastrara is opened, and you are giving this divine knowledge to your Sahajayogis, Mother, do they value these vibrations ? Do they really know the power of vibrations ?
Shri Mataji said ,” I am a Mother, so I will give, the person who deserves Shri Ganesha qualities , he or she will value these vibrations.”
Also he said that big destruction will happen so permit me to leave, Mother said that the time will come then you can leave.
◆ Note :- Age is 21000 years means he was not alive for those years but he had control on his subconscious and he was able to to tell about every birth which Shri Mataji was already aware. In this birth he passed away in 2008 and Shri Mataji had asked about him just 7 days before his demise.
Dear All ,
Before coming to Sahajayoga,I was follower of Shri Gagangiri Maharaj, in front of him if somebody says Mother’s name as Nirmala devi , he was getting angry and was instructing to recognize her .
One should visit this vibrant place once in a lifetime, where Adishakti had walked in rain.
Chandrashekhar Chandane
On one day in Gaganbawda he told the seekers to wash his Ashram, everyone washed it and he started decorating the swing on which he used to sit, his devotees said that they can do that. But he said I will never ever sit on this again , She is coming and she will sit on this, he was decorating …….with flowers the previous night!
Shri Mataji came with Sahajayogies on next day afternoon and heavy rain started but Mother told every Sahajayogi not to hide anywhere- Respect the nature and that yogi who is waiting
She climbed and entered in the cave and loudly said,” where is my Saree ?”
Everyone was amazed and was thinking which saree ?
It is also said that it was Shri Gagangiri Maharaj who presented the 3 mahamantras to Shri Mataji – he said that since only Shri Mataji can give ‘Moksha’ so Mokshpradayini is an apt name for Her.
“सबको दुआ देना” की रचना किस प्रकार हुयी.
सहजयोग की आरती “सबको दुआ देना” की रचना किस प्रकार हुयी. इसके विषय में प्रवीश सहजी हम सबको बता रहे हैं. यह पत्र एक अन्य ग्रुप पर भेजा गया था और अंग्रेजी भाषा में लिखा गया है।
प्यारे भाइयो और बहनों,
जय श्री माता जी,
मैं आपको श्रीमाताजी और श्री गगनगिरि महाराज के विषय में कुछ बताना चाहता हूं। जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं कि श्रीमाताजी श्री गगनगिरि महाराज को मिलने गगनबावडा (कोल्हापुर) गयीं थीं। लेकिन इस बात पर सहजयोगियों के अलावा शायद ही कोई अन्य विश्वास कर पाये क्यों कि सहजयोगी अपने वाइब्रेशन का उपयोग करके इत बात की सच्चाई का पता लगा सकते हैं कि मां कौन हैं। मैं भी अपने वाइब्रेशन का उपयोग करके आज्ञा लेकर बाबा जी के आश्रम में उनके बारे में अधिक जानकारी लेने के लिये गया । दरअसल पिछले 10 वर्षें से मेरी मां की श्रद्धा गगनगिरि महाराज में काफी बढ़ गयी थी। मैं भी कई बार अपनी मां के साथ जाकर उनके आश्रम में जाकर सहज धयान किया करता था। आश्रम में मुझे कई दिलचस्प लोग और साधक मिले, मैं उन सभी से श्रीमाताजी और श्री गगनगिरि महाराज के विषय में पूछा करता था। लेकिन किसी से भी संतोषजनक उत्तर न मिल सका। मैंने कई योगियों से भी श्रीमाताजी के विषय में जानकारी लेनी चाही परंतु संभवतः किसी को भी श्रीमाताजी के बारे में कुछ पता नहीं था।
अंततः मैंने गगनबावड़ा जाने का निर्णय लिया जहां पर श्रीमाताजी गगनगिरि महाराज से मिलने के लिये स्वयं गयीं थीं। वहां पर भी मुझे कई योगी और साधक मिले परंतु वे भी उस दिव्य घटना के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानते थे अतः मुझे निराशा ही हाथ लगी। श्रीमाताजी और गगनगिरि महाराज से इस घटना के विषय में किसी प्रकार के संकेत अथवा सहायता के लिये प्रार्थना करने के बाद अचानक मुझे मधुकर ठाकुर द्वारा लिखी गयी गगनगढ़ उवाच नाम की एक किताब मिली। श्री मधुकर ठाकुर गगनगिरि महाराज के प्रिय शिष्य थे।
इन्होंने गगनगिरि महाराज से अनुरोध किया कि कुंभ मेले के दौरान 1000 वर्ष की आयु वाले उन महायोगियों और महासिद्धों का आशीर्वाद इनको दिलवा दें जो माउंट आबू राजस्थान में तपस्या कर रहे थे। गगनगिरि महाराज ने इन्हें सलाह दी कि इनको दिल्ली में पहले श्रीमाताजी का आशीर्वाद लेकर तब माउंट आबू की यात्रा पर प्रस्थान करना चाहिये। जब मधुकर ठाकुर दिल्ली श्रीमाताजी का आशीर्वाद लेने पंहुचे तो श्रीमाताजी ने उन्हें बताया कि वे जानती हैं कि मधुकर जी को गगनगिरि महाराज ने वहां भेजा था।
श्रीमाताजी ने मधुकर जी को कुछ पैसे भी दिये हालांकि मधुकर जी ने पैसे लेने से इंकार कर दिया। श्रीमाताजी ने उनसे जिद की कि वे पैसे अपने पास रख लें। दिल्ली स्टेशन पंहुचकर उन्हें लगा कि उनके पैसे खत्म हो चुके थे और शायद श्रीमाताजी को इसके बारे में पहले ही पता चल गया था। उन्होंने अपनी यात्रा जारी रखी और श्रीमाताजी द्वारा दिये गये पैसों से वे माउंट आबू पंहुच गये।
अपनी यात्रा से लौटकर वे दिल्ली लौट आये और उन्होंने श्रीमाताजी की इस सुंदर आरती…..सबको दुआ देना….. की रचना की । कवि ने अपना नाम आरती की आखिरी पंक्तियों में सुंदरता से छुपा लिया… …… जब दिल में आये तब मधु संगीत सुन लो….। मुझे इस बात को आप सबके साथ बांटने में अत्यंत प्रसनता हो रही है। श्रीमाता जी हम सबपर अपने प्रेम और आशीर्वादों की बौछार करें।
।।जय श्रीमाता जी।।

Must visit site:
Beautiful story from Shriniwas: |
“Today I would like to share a brief summary of Shree Mataji`s tryst with a great realized ascetic, “Gagangiri Maharaj” from Maharashtra, India. |
My Dad was with Shree Mataji during this time and I would like to enumerate whatever he experienced there.. |
“This meeting happened sometime in 70s .. Gagangiri Maharaj was a great realized ascetic who stayed near a place called “Khopoli” in Maharshtra which is on the way between Mumbai (Bombay)-Pune. His ashram is located on a small hill top where he use to stay with his disciples. Once Shree Mataji expressed the desire to meet him and SHE along with few Yogis went to meet HIM. Shree Mataji finally met him and following is some of the excerpts from their conversation: |
Gagangiri Maharaj:
Mother, I knew that you would come this particular day to give me
self-realization. I have been waiting for this time since thousands of
years. By severe penances and austere life I have been able to clean every chakra form Mooladhar to Agnya. But, I knew that finally you would help me to jump from Agnya to Saharara to obtain beatitude and bliss. When you were climbing the hill, I could see you in your original form of Adi-Shakti accompanied by all deities dancing in the procession. |
( then he offered Shree Mataji a saree.. He then looked at all the yogis who were there with HER) |
Gagangiri Maharaj:
Mother, why are you giving so much to all these people. Do they
understand the real worth of it? Do they understand what they have
achieved so easily? It took me thousands of years to get my realization. I had to go through severe penances and austere life. |
Shree Mataji:
You are a GURU and cannot be a MOTHER. I am the MOTHER and cannot be a
GURU like you. A mother always gives everything to her children
selflessly. A GURU will expect that his disciple go through all the hardships before he gets the blessings but a mother cannot do that. So, now you have achieved such a state, then why don’t you help me in my work ? |
Gagangiri Maharaj: As you say Mother. ….I was not lucky enough to have a mother like you, before… |
Gagangiri Maharaj: ( to all Yogis) You all are very lucky to get so much from MOTHER herself.. So understand the worth of it and grow. |
Unfortunately, this great soul (Gagangiri Maharaj) passed away recently on 4thFeb 2008 |
Well on the next morning, Shree Mataji woke up early and was sitting on the swing outside the Ashram.My Dad also had woken up by then and he observed that 2 disc like objects were revolving around Shree Mataji for almost 30-45 minutes. She then said “You can Leave” and both of them soared high in the sky with tremendous speed and disappeared. My dad then asked MOTHER about this and SHE told him that sometimes, “Hanumana and Bhairava” want to be with me. Those 2 discs which you observed were them.” |
John The Baptist Was none other than Shri Gagnagiri Maharaj!

I’ll tell you once how I worked on a really great soul called Gagangarh Maharaj. It’s an interesting story. This Gagangarh Maharaj used to live on a hilltop and he would never see people. He was a very angry type of a man. He’s John the Baptist and all his legs and hands were broken and he travels on a tiger. Very hot-tempered. Went to see him and every Sahaja Yogi was saying, “Why are You going to a guru?”
I said, “See his vibrations.”
So I climbed all the way see him and it was raining heavily and he’s supposed to be in charge of rains, he can control the rains, you see. He’s a very big, powerful man and the rain would not stop. It was pouring and pouring and pouring. I got completely drenched by the time I reached there, he was very angry, you see, sitting on a block of stones. He was just going on like this, with anger. I was smiling at him and I went and sat in his little cave till he came back.
He said, “Mother, why did You not allow me to control the rain? Was that to kill my ego?”
I said, “No, not at all. I never did that.”
He said, “But why didn’t You stop the rain? Why didn’t You allow me to stop the rain? You are all drenched.”
So now see how I played the compassion on him. I said, “See you are a sanyasi, isn’t it? And you have bought a sari for Me. I can’t take a sari from a sanyasi, so I had to get drenched otherwise I’ll have no excuse.” And the whole temper went away, you see, just, he just fell at My feet and started crying and said what love!
And I said, “There’s another point, that the water was flowing on My body and was completely covering all these beautiful hills and dales and tomorrow we’ll have all the greenery lush there for you to enjoy, isn’t it? What does it matter for Me? Rain or no rain, makes no difference to Me, I’m quite all right.”
And he brought out a beautiful sari for Me there. He said, “You knew about the sari.”
I said, “I knew.”
He said, “How?”
I said, “Love knows everything, doesn’t it? Love gives you eyes, ears, everything.” Try to forgive others. Allow your love to flow. If God had not loved you he would not have given you Realization. First of all forgive yourself and then you’ll be able to forgive others. All right? Already your hearts are opening.
Source –
Read About John the Baptist:
A bit about Shri Gagangiri Maharaj:
Yogiraj Sri. Gagangiri Maharaj, who was revered and worshipped as Emperor Chalukya Pulakeshi, hails from Patankar family. His original personal name is Sripad and he belongs to village Manadure in Patan district of South Maharashtra. At the age of 7 he left his home and He went to Battees-Shirala. This place has a Math (ashram) of Nathsampradaya. This cult (sampradaya) has a wide following all over India and has about 1600 establishments.
Sri Gagangiri Maharaj as a youthful sanyasi, also moved about with Mahants (Senior Sages) right up to the Himalayas. During pilgrimages he learnt yoga and several occult and religious practices. He travelled far and wide to places such as Nepal, Bhutan, Manas Sarovar, Gaurishankar, (Gorak assembly), Gorakshdarbar, Gorakhpur, Pashupatinath and returned to Almora. Finally, he travelled through the valley of Ganga, Himachal Pradesh and reached.
Near Badrika Ashram there ice-clad mountains, where Gagangiri Maharaj was extremely tired as a result of his peregrinations and he decided to settle in a cave. When he was relaxing, a sage wearing saffron robes came there from the mountains. He sprinkled water from his Kamandalu, on the face of Gagangiri Maharaj. He also gave him some kind of green grass to eat which resembled coriander leaves. For his penance, he had prepared mattresses of grass. He found his mattresses growing like living vegetation. This was considered as an experience, where Tantrik technique is perfected. He did a number of Kaya Kalpas (Rejuvenation). In this process he invented several new concepts in Tantrik techniques and proved them true.