Shri Mataji chose the Shri Chakra as the symbol of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma

Esoteric Articles

The human being is an instrument designed for one ultimate purpose — to consciously realize our identity with the eternal all-pervading Supreme Spirit. Self-realization is our natural state, that absolutely tranquil yet super-aware consciousness of being.

The Shri Chakra is a diagram of that instrument, representing both the microcosm of the human being’s physical, subtle and spiritual natures and the macrocosm of the Virat, the vast creation of the Divine, the Universe. We can use the Shri Chakra to help us to transcend the outer layers of our being and travel to the core, represented by the Bindu -‘dot’ in the centre, from which all the other elements flow outward. Shri Mataji chose the Shri Chakra as the symbol of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma and spoke about it on several occasions, encouraging us to learn more.


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