Approach Seekers With Care, Understanding & Empathy
Avoid Direct Confrontation:
When addressing people with drug-related issues, avoid direct statements against drug use.
Empathize and Relate:
Approach the person by empathizing with their situation.
Share a personal or close-to-home experience related to drug use, even if it involves a little deviation from the truth.
Stoop Down to Their Level:
Express understanding by stating, “I was also into drugs,” or involve a close connection like, “My father was a drug addict.”
This approach helps in establishing a connection without triggering their defensive mechanisms.
Recognize Them as Seekers:
Acknowledge that their drug habits developed as a result of seeking something deeper.
Adjust Your Communication:
Speak in a manner that resonates with them and doesn’t alienate them further.
Approach them compassionately and with understanding.
Motherly Approach:
Use a nurturing approach similar to a mother giving medicine in a sweet form to a child.
Introduce Kundalini Awakening:
Explain the impact of Kundalini awakening and how it naturally corrects negative habits.
Share that the rising Kundalini brings awareness and pain associated with left-sided imbalances.
Highlight the Timeless Nature of Realization:
Emphasize that realization takes one beyond the constraints of time, reducing the likelihood of boredom and, consequently, substance abuse.
Guide Towards Happiness:
Illustrate that Kundalini, when awakened, brings happiness and fulfillment, reducing the desire for external stimulants.
Offer Support and Understanding:
Convey a genuine willingness to help and support them through their journey of overcoming drug addiction.
Approaching individuals struggling with drug addiction with understanding, empathy, and a connection to Sahaja Yoga principles can be an effective way to guide them towards positive change.
So the person who has to tell to them should never directly come on that point that, “Don’t take drugs!” That’s one thing one has to remember that, when such people approach you, you should never start talking against that. I mean you’ll be boxed for nothing at all and all Sahaja Yoga will go down.
So for a druggist, supposing he comes to you, what should we do?
What should we do to help? So we should start talking like this, that, “I was also a druggist,” even if you are not, you may say that – there is no harm in telling them – because if you do that way you smooth the way. There is no harm in telling little lies just to bring them up to the truth, you see. You have to stoop down, is to say that, “I was a druggist.” Or you can say, “My father was a druggist,” or somebody nearest to you, whom you know, so that they do not get angry with you, you see.
Because they are seekers, the trouble is, they are seekers. These habits have come to them because they were seeking and they went deep down into that seeking. In that seeking they took to drugs and that’s how they have become drug addicts.
So now they are not normal people and if you just talk to them in a normal way, as you would talk to a normal person, you can never save them. Now you are here out to save them. So the best thing is to talk to them in such a manner, that they try to understand you. First you identify yourself with them, you stoop down to their style of life, and then talk to them. That’s a very good way of really bringing them nearer you and a very compassionate way of approaching. Or you can say a Mother has to give the castor oil then she gives it in a chocolate. So approach that way.
You’ll be amazed, you can overcome their habits.
Because Kundalini when She rises, She herself corrects them.
They start feeling terrible pain and left side and then they feel completely their left side, no vibrations coming out and all sorts of things they feel. And they start understanding it also, and Kundalini herself goes and clears them out, makes them happy, so that they do not take to these things. Because a person when he’s bored, when he has more time to think about other things, he takes to these things. So there is no time because you become timeless, you go beyond time with realisation.
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
London (England) | October 19th, 1980