"1 Brick, 1 Rupee" Principle - Maharaja Agrasen

Esoteric Articles Sahaja Yoga Hindi Article

Birth & Early Life Of Maharaja Agrasen

The messenger of peace, Maharaja Agrasen, was born to King Vallabh of Pratapnagar. According to current timelines, Maharaja Agrasen’s birth took place approximately 5000 years ago. King Vallabh was a descendant of the Suryavanshi (lineage from the Sun), and Agrasen was his eldest son. According to the Shri Mahalakshmi Vrath, this was the final phase of the Dwapar Yuga.

Agroha/Agr Republic was established around 51 years before the Mahabharata war. As per the writings of (1) Bhavishya Puran’s Agravansh, (2) Vanshanukirtnam, and (3) Uru Charitam, Maharaja Agrasen ruled Agroha about 5000 years ago during the Mahabharata era. This belief is supported by a verse in the Mahabharata that mentions the Agrayan Republic.

At a young age, Prince Agrasen became renowned for his compassion. He never discriminated against anyone, and his subjects were always pleased with his conduct.

During a yajna (sacred ritual), Maharaja Agrasen noticed that the horse brought for sacrifice tried to escape the altar. This sight moved him deeply, and he wondered how prosperity could be achieved through the sacrifice of innocent animals. This incident planted the seed of non-violence in his heart.

He discussed the matter with his ministers. The ministers warned him that if he inclined towards non-violence, neighboring kings might perceive it as weakness and attack. However, Maharaja Agrasen firmly stated that ending violence and injustice is not a sign of weakness but of true strength.

Thus, he imposed a complete ban on violence in his kingdom and spread the message of the sanctity of life and compassion. This decision not only reflected the humane outlook of his reign but also set a standard of compassion and respect for all living beings.

Maharaja Agrasen’s Austerities and the Blessing of Shri Mahalakshmi in Haridwar

Agrasen resumed his pilgrimage and reached Haridwar, where he sought refuge with Sage Garg. Under the guidance of Garg Muni, he began the worship of Shri Mahalakshmi. (The place in Haridwar where Maharaja Agrasen performed his austerities is now known as “Maharaja Agrasen Ghat.”)

Meanwhile, when Queen Madhavi learned about Agrasen’s intense penance in Haridwar, she also went there to serve him. Together, they worshipped Shri Mahalakshmi.

Pleased by their devotion, Shri Mahalakshmi granted Agrasen a boon, stating that Indra would remain under his control, and his lineage would never face sorrow. The lineage would always prosper. Shri Mahalakshmi declared herself the protector goddess of Agrasen’s lineage.

Harmony Amidst Tensions: Indra’s Truce with Maharaja Agrasen in Kolhapur

In joy, Maharaja Agrasen went to Kolhapur, where he married the daughters of King Nagraj. As a result, Agrasen’s strength and reputation greatly increased.

When Indra learned that Agrasen had received blessings from Shri Mahalakshmi and had married the daughters of Nagraj, he became concerned. Then, accompanied by Sage Narad, Indra requested a truce with Maharaja Agrasen.

Seeing the prosperity of Agroha, neighboring kings grew envious, but they never considered how much Maharaja Agrasen had contributed to the progress and development of society. His principles were not only influential during his reign but continue to hold great significance in Indian society today.

The vision and ideals established by Maharaja Agrasen promoted social equality, brotherhood, and self-reliance. His principles emphasized respect and rights for every individual.

With the blessings of Shri Mahalakshmi, Maharaja Agrasen believed that no person should remain poor or dependent. Through the principle of “1 brick, 1 rupee,” he encouraged communal cooperation and entrepreneurship, enabling even economically weaker individuals to become self-reliant with the community’s support. This initiative benefited all sections of society -an embodiment of the true and complete essence of Shri Mahalakshmi’s principles.

We must adopt a global perspective like Maharaja Agrasen.

To ensure there was no discrimination in society, Maharaja Agrasen made agriculture and dairy trade the main pillars, which led to continuous economic prosperity. This model remains inspiring even in today’s times. Over time, the Agrasen community, advancing Maharaja Agrasen’s legacy and embodying the virtues of Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi, continues to lead in the field of service.

However, in today’s world, we observe a misconception where Goddess Lakshmi is often referred to as “Chanchala” (fickle). People have become confined to their own limitations, and only a handful think about the upliftment of society.

Where have we lost our discipline? Why have we strayed from our path? The inner inspiration to guide society, once seen in our saints, has now disappeared. This is a time for self-reflection, to consider how we can return to the right path. We must now become our own guides. Though we have accumulated much knowledge, we have filled ourselves with ego and the six inner enemies (Shadripu).

It is now time to imbibe the virtues of Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi within ourselves. We should not see her merely as a source of wealth but rather dispel our mental misconceptions and think about how to awaken the Mahalakshmi principle in a healthy society.

We must understand that divine grace will only come when we think beyond our own limitations and care for others beyond ourselves. We need to adopt a global vision like Maharaja Agrasen. The pure wisdom that he received from Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi should also be established in our lives.

Through Sahaja Yoga meditation, we can imbibe the qualities of Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi within ourselves

To do this, we first need to stabilize our mind and body while desiring pure self-knowledge, just as Shri Shiva showed Maharaja Agrasen the path of worshiping the Goddess. Similarly, we should also pray to Goddess Mahalakshmi for balance. Once balance is achieved, a quest begins within the person, along with peace and happiness—a “curiosity” that leads them towards the inner power.

During this quest, the divine helps them and connects them with the true Guru or the right path. Gradually, they are drawn toward the middle path as self-realization connects them with their sacred Kundalini energy. This Kundalini energy is linked to the chakras, or energy centers, along the spine. As the individual becomes aware of these chakras, their curiosity deepens, and the inner layers begin to clear. The six enemies (Shadripu) slowly fade, and as the flow of divine energy increases, the person’s nature becomes filled with compassion and love.

As a person connects with the truth, they begin to clearly see their inner faults reflected in self-awareness, which they then strive to correct. Greed, attachment, and selfishness that once clouded their perception now turn into a state of witnessing. They are no longer bound by any vices that might lead them astray—they transcend the mind.

When such individuals receive the blessings of Shri Lakshmi, they become generous, and stinginess departs from them. With the grace of Shri Lakshmi, these people offer protection and support to society, especially to children and women. They naturally tend to help those in distress, filled with love and compassion.

From Shri Lakshmi Principle to Shri Mahalakshmi Principle

As long as we are connected to the Shri Lakshmi principle, we remain limited to our navel chakra or basic material needs. But when we connect with Shri Mahalakshmi in a yogic way, we adopt a broader and more holistic perspective. Shri Mahalakshmi is the goddess who comes to those with contentment and generosity. Such individuals do not hesitate to give but rather help with a spirit of service.

In today’s times, the Shri Mahalakshmi principle is being neglected. Where there should be generosity and joy, “I, mine, and ego” have taken their place. But when the Mahalakshmi principle awakens in a person, the nine forms of Lakshmi are expressed, one of which is Shri Mahalakshmi herself.

As Shri Griha Lakshmi, the woman becomes the guardian of the home, nurturing the family with wisdom. Instead of reacting or objecting, she lovingly manages everything.

Detachment is also a quality of the Shri Mahalakshmi principle—a person becomes free from material attachment but, like King Janaka, remains detached while living in the world. Such a person never acts for personal gain. Maharaja Agrasen was filled with the Mahalakshmi principle, and that is why his personality still shines today.

The true essence of the Shri Mahalakshmi principle is that it leads a person toward the truth. Their continuous progress is possible, and only in the middle path can their perfection be realized. It is through the Shri Mahalakshmi principle that a person attains self-realization and finds their place in the lineage of great souls.


हिसार भास्कर के दैनिक भास्कर के 03-10-2024 एडिशन की यह खबर जरूर पढ़ें।

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